Axiological dimension of Mirosław Kuleba’s reportage Szamil Basajew. Knight’s ethos and the soldier’s duty





Literary reportage is considered the belles-lettres genre. It tells about events the author witnessed or participated in. Reportage dealing with the subject of war has a special place due to the determination of the reporter undertaking such a task. Mirosław Kuleba participated in the Russian­‑Chechen wars and decided to describe what he saw, experienced and felt, i.a., in the book Szamil Basajew. Knightly ethos and soldier’s duty. In addition to descriptions of military operations, Kuleba noticed that war requires an attitude to some values, the most important of which is freedom, as he claims. He pointed out that the lives of Chechen fighters are highly spiritual. These observations may be confirmed by accounts of other reporters, including Patrick Chauval, Wojciech Jagielski, and Anna Politkowska. It is worth noting that the fight for Chechen freedom was also spiritually supported by Zbigniew Herbert.

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Aleksandra Tomicka , Zielona Góra

A graduate of the University of Zielona Góra. Her research interests focus on issues related to the literature and culture of the Enlightenment. He is preparing a dissertation on the poetry of Jakub Jasiński.


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How to Cite

Tomicka , A. “Axiological Dimension of Mirosław Kuleba’s Reportage Szamil Basajew. Knight’s Ethos and the soldier’s Duty”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 9, Dec. 2023, pp. 67-77, doi:10.34768/fp2023a3.

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